Aqua Jolt™ Bio-Enzyme Packets - 25 lb bucket - 50 packets

Bacterial Pond and Lagoon Treatment
Item #123180

Aqua Jolt™ Bio-Enzyme Packets - 25 lb bucket - 50 packets

Bacterial Pond and Lagoon Treatment
Item #123180

Need Assistance? Call us 1-800-321-8180

  • Helps reduce sludge depth
  • Breaks down organic debris
  • Easy to use; convenient, water soluble packets

Product Description

  • Aqua Jolt BEM™ is a powdered formula of cellulase enzymes, hyper cellulase producing bacteria and cold weather bacteria. Aqua Jolt BEM accelerates the breakdown of organic debris and sediment from fallen leaves and accumulated organic waste which creates pond algae.

    Aqua Jolt BEM is versatile and produces optimum results. It will deplete the food source necessary for algae growth, remove muck and remove excess nutrients, keeping water clear and clean.

  • Increases natural bacterial activity to improve water clarity, cut surface scum and reduce bottom solids
  • Self dissolving packs for easy distribution over lagoons and ponds
  • Wide working temperature range 38°F-98°F (3°C-36°C) allows bacteria to work in early spring and late fall
  • Competes for same food source that algae and duck weed need to survive

Directions for Use

Water soluble packets should be tossed into the pond according to the rates below. The chart below assumes that the waters have been significantly fouled. For less fouled waters, contact your sales representative for a treatment schedule.

For pond size 5,000-10,000 gallons add 2 packets for the 1st application, add 1 packet for the first 4 week application and then add 1 packet every month after.
For pond size 10,001-50,000 gallons add 8 packets for the 1st application, add 3 packet for the first 4 week application and then add 3 packet every month after.
For pond size 50,001-100,000 gallons add 12 packets for the 1st application, add 5 packet for the first 4 week application and then add 5 packet every month after.
For pond size 100,001-300,000 gallons add 20 packets for the 1st application, add 8 packet for the first 4 week application and then add 8 packet every month after.
For pond size 300,001-500,000 gallons add 28 packets for the 1st application, add 10 packet for the first 4 week application and then add 10 packet every month after.
For pond size 500,001-1,000,000 gallons add 40 packets for the 1st application, add 16 packet for the first 4 week application and then add 16 packet every month after.

Need Assistance? Call us 1-800-321-8180

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